

Are asteroids more closer to earth or mars?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Mars, the asteroid belt is in between Mars and Jupiter.

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Q: Are asteroids more closer to earth or mars?
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Venus and Mars Mars is more closer... What has that mean?? To answer your question, Venus and Mars are close to Earth.

Do asteroids have more in common with Mars or Jupiter?

Mars. Both asteroids and Mars are solid and rocky. Jupiter is not solid and has no rocks that we know of.

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Mars is closer to the sun. Here are the planets in order: Mecury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto! I hope I helped you!

Is most asteroids located between mars and jupiter?

No, Actually most asteroids are found beyond Pluto, the asteroid ring there is called the Kupiter belt it has much more asteroids between the belt between Jupiter and Mars. -- BananaPower

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Earth is about 1.88 times larger than Mars.Earth has a diameter of 12,756 km whereas Mars has a diameter of 6,788 km (0.533 Earths)

Typically orbit the sun at approximately 3 au?

Not much. Earth is at 1 AU, by definition, and Mars is at about 1.5 AU. Between Mars and Jupiter (about 5 AU) there are no large planets; it is thought that Jupiter's gravity interfered with planets forming near it. Instead, there are billions of asteroids, which are of similar chemical makeup to the inner planets (i.e. mostly rocks and metals), but much smaller, ranging from smaller than a sand grain to the size of U.S. states. We have observed several thousand of the larger ones; these are irregularly-shaped rocky things the size of cities. The largest, Ceres, is almost 600 miles across and orbits between 2.54 and 2.98 AU. So, I suppose I could say that Ceres is at 3 AU, once every 4.5 (Earth) years. See for more about Ceres.

It used to be more like Earth.?

Mars used to be more like Earth.

Where do most asteroids orbit?

Most of the asteroids in our Solar system are located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It is referred to as the Asteroid belt. They are rocky remnants left over from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago.

What is the distance between earth and a asteroid?

A more specific question is required. There are an estimated 700,000 to 1.7 million asteroids more than 1 km in diameter in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter alone. Obviously, their distances from Earth are quite varied.