

Are autistic skills non-transferable

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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It depends on the skill and the autistic person. They might simply indicate a strong interest, or they might indicate more general cognitive strengths.

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Q: Are autistic skills non-transferable
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You can't - autism is an absolute, you are either autistic or you are not and there is no way that a person can become 'less autistic'. A person with autism can improve in areas such as commnuication, social skills, and functioning, this tends to happen naturally as autistic people get older and learn new skills, but it is helped by supporting and understanding the autistic person.

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How many years would a person have autism?

You are born with autism and have it all your life. However, with skills training and preparation, the effects of autism can be better controlled so that it seems to be less obvious when one is older.

Why do autistic kids act different?

Autistic children act differently to neurotypical children because they are different.Autistic people experience the world and interact with the world differently to neurotypical people. Autistic people lack social and communication skills of neurotypical people, and if you view neurotypical behaviour as the norm or ideal it looks as though autistic people are 'different'.

Can an autistic person be a doctor?

Yes, Autistic people can become doctors. Autistic people can gain doctrines or become medical doctors, Autism is a neurological difference that impacts social and communication skills but does not typically impact on IQ or academic abilities. Many Autistic people may need support in education but can still reach a level where their can gain qualifications to become a doctor.

Who are autistic children?

Autism is a disability. Its a communication problem making them speak in monotone voices, they have no empathy, have to be taught communication skills and body language skills, because their wiring for communication is damaged or dead. They can sometimes be in a world of their own and have learning difficulties although intelligent. Some autistic people are geniuses who are savants.There are many different types of autism. All autistic people are seen as weird. All autistic people have repetitive behaviors but can be stopped and have obsessions of things but they can't be replaced. There are many different types of autism, some have a phobia of speaking. They are physically normal and for some normally intelligent. They can't help being autistic.

Is autism only in children?

No, Autism is not only in children.Autism is a neurological difference, a person is born Autistic just like a person is born neurotypical. An Autistic person will always be Autistic and thus become an Autistic adult. Autistic people often improve over time, learning social and communication skills as well as learning to cope with or mask autism characteristics in order to fit in to neurotypical society. Autistic adults often fit in better than children.

How do you get autistic spectrum?

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological condition, autistic people are born autistic - we do not know why people are autistic.

How long does it take for someone to become autistic?

A person is born autistic - they do not become autistic.