

Are bad drugs illegal

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Tobacco and alchol are not but all the others are

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Q: Are bad drugs illegal
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Do illegal drugs make you lighted?

no, not at all! Illegal drugs are bad for your health and very dangerous.

Why are drugs bad for sport?

It depends if it is a legal or an illegal drug. Illegal drugs such as heroine, drugs that hallucinate you are bad for sports. Steroids counts as cheating, and could mean a disqualification.

Why is certain substances illegal in sports?

Some drugs are illegal in sports because they make you stronger, faster, or more agressive. This is seen as cheating. Some drugs are illegal normally because they're bad for you. Then again, all drugs taken in excess are bad for you.

Are steroids illegal drugs?

steroids aren't illegal if they are prescribed to you. they are illegal if they weren't issued to you, or if you abuse them

What is illegal driving?

illegal driving is when u take drugs or somthing else that is bad and use it on urself and drive

How did illegal drugs become illegal?

Because dog government's move in to profit, and some drugs are to good and to many will learn the secrets of existence

Do people feel drugs should be illegal or legal?

Well drugs range from bad (addictive ones) to essential medical ones.

What is in the drugs that make them illegal?

Drugs become illegal when law makers decide to pass laws saying these drugs are illegal.

What kind of bad things are in drugs?

The drugs themselves are bad for you if not used properly. A drug is typically a compound, so with pure drugs there are not 'bad things' in them. Illegal drugs often have additives in them that can cause problems, including having been mixed with different powdered substances to weaken them. These can vary from sugar to various poisons.

Which fat-like substance can cause heart attacks?

fatty acids, cholesterol (BAD), and illegal drugs

What does illegal drugs mean?

Illegal drugs mean drugs which is not accepted or it's against the law to use them

What are three illegal drugs?

Three illegal drugs are: heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines.