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Q: Are beach plums plums or berries?
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Related questions

What kind of berries did the Sioux Indians eat?

they ate plums and choke cherries and berries.

What did the mohave eat?

They ate squash, beans, corn, pumpkins, berries, plums, and cactus.

Which fruit-trees grow best in sandy-soil?

Beach plums.

Another name for blackthorn berries?

Locule is another term for raspberry drupelets (plural of drupe). Raspberries and blackberries both have multiple locules.

What food did the mohave eat?

They ate squash, beans, corn, pumpkin, cherries, plums, berries, fish, and wild animals.

What is the natural vegetation in the great lakes St. Lawrence lowland region?

Cherries, Peaches, Plums, Berries, Apples

What do the tequestas eat?

The Tequesta Indian got their food by hunting, and gathering. They would search for berries, and plants to eat. They would hunt animals when they could find them.

What grows in Norway?

Apples, plums, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, basil and potatoes to mention the fruit, vegetables and berries we have in our garden.

Why does fruit such as plums and berries change colour when they ripen?

i guess as the water content of the fruit evaporates it takes the color with it so the color change

What is a beach plum?

A beach plum is a tree, Latin name Prunus maritima, which bears small plums, found along the US Atlantic coast from Maine to Maryland.

What did the Tequesta tribe use to hunt there food?

They ate palm nuts, fish, shellfish, sea grapes, palmetto berries, coco plums, and other things.

What did the Susquehannock Indians eat?

What did the Susquehannocks eat? They eat seeds, nuts, insects, reptiles, mollusks, fish, birds, and mammals.