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Q: Are belguim waffles really Belguim Are Belgian waffles really Belgian?
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What makes a waffle a belgin waffle?

well, American waffles are usually topped with surup, peaunut butter, strawberries, (whatever you use) and my friend is belgium and makes these waffles, (vanilla waffles) that originate from belgium, and they're kind of like a bread thing you don't have to put anything on them and they don't even have to be hot. well anyways, they're preety good. i hope that answers your question?...No. If by 'a waffle' you mean what you can buy at your local American grocery store in the frozen section, then, a lot. Waffles originated in Belgium, where they are still popularly sold - and eaten - today. They can be store bought in plastic wraps or fresh and hot from numerous 'waffle stands' that line busy shopping streets. Belgian waffles are viewed more as a snack or sugary treat. There are also 2 different types of Belgian waffles - Liege waffles (more sugary and common) and Brussels waffles. It is not typical for waffles to be eaten for breakfast in Belgium (unless you have really indulgent parents).

What are you called if you are from Belgium?

People in Belgium are Belgians.But in Belgium there are also two divided groups:* Northern part, Flanders: the Flemish => speak a variation of Dutch* Southern part, Wallonia: the Walloons => speak a variation of French

This Question Might Change The World And\Or Universe, So Answer With Caution! I Have Been Thinking And Thinking About This Question Of What You Will Answer. But The Question Really Is...Do You Like Waffles?

I Like Waffles...Do You?

What are people from Brussels called?

belgian. brussels is the capital of belgian.

Are stars really made of toaster waffles?

Yes totaly all the way baby

What places did Adolf Hitler conquer?

Countries, regions and place Germany 'Conquered' in the late 30s and WW2: Sudetenland Austria (Anschluss) Saar Czechosloviakia (After Sudetenland) Poland France Holland Belguim Luxembourg Norway Denmark Croatia Albania Greece Hungary Serbia Romania Bulgaria Yep, That basterd Hitler really did some damage but got owned by Russia , America and Britian.

Which horse is larger Belgian or Clydesdale?

This question really depends on the horse itself. Overall, I would say that the Clydesdale would be stronger, as I think they were used in olden times pulling carriges, farm machinery, etc. But it really does depend on the individual horse, as I bet there are Belgian Horses that are stronger than Clydesdales, but also Clydesdales that are stronger than Belgian. Hope this helped :)

How do you you achieve waffle master on more breakfast?

You make all the waffles round and put them all on one plate.

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Where Belgium waffels really first made in Belgium?

yes they were. that is why they are called Belgium waffles???? in french: Des Gauffres

Name a breakfast food that's not really food until it's cooked?

eggs, bacon, oatmeal, pancakes, waffles

Did Sylvia Earle invent Waffles?

Sylvia Earle didn't really invent anything she just explored under the sea.