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Q: Are biceps and triceps smooth skeletal or cardiac?
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What are the primary tissue type?

Cardiac, smooth and skeletal.

What are the 3 subtypes of muscle tissue?

Striated,smooth,and skelital cardiac, skeletal, and smooth

How many types of muscles are there in humans?

There are three types of muscles:Skeletal muscle- Muscle of exterior (ex. triceps, biceps)Smooth muscle- Muscle of interior organs (ex. lungs, stomach)Cardiac muscle- Muscle of heart (ex. heart)

What kind of tissue is skeletal cardiac or smooth?

Muscle tissue. Cardiac: the muscles in or related to the heart Skeletal: muscles that you can voluntarily control, such as your biceps Smooth: muscles in or around your organs, which cannot be voluntarily controlled (ie. the muscles in your stomach or intestines)

What are the main muscles in the human body?

The 2 main muscles are the brain, heart, and lungs.

What are the 3 main types of muscles?

Skeletal, smooth, cardiac

Give examples of three types of muscles?

Smooth Muscle, Cardiac Muscle, and Skeletal Muscle

What are the 3 types of muscle are they voluntary or involuntary?

3 main types are Smooth, Cardiac and Skeletal. Smooth and Cardiac are involuntary. Skeletal is the only voluntary one

Which muscle tissue has several nuclei per cell?

Smooth muscle tissue

What are the 3 kinds of muscle?

Skeletal, Smooth and Cardiac

What are some different types of muscles?

There are three muscle types, skeletal, smooth and cardiac. Skeletal and cardiac are both striated muscle, whereas smooth muscle is not.

What are three muscles in the human body?

Three types of muscle body, origin and insertion.