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No. The whole reptile family, and bony fish. Also, its possibly pushing the definition of eggs, but amphibians spawn.

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Q: Are birds the only vertebrates that lay eggs?
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What are animals that lay eggs called?

BirdsReptilesFish (some)Amphibians (most)Monotremes - a class of mammal

What are the simularities of reptiles and birds?

Birds are similar to reptiles. Both are vertebrates which lay eggs and breathe air.

What animal does not lay any eggs?

Only birds lay eggs

Why are peacocks considered as birds?

because they have feathers, wings and lay eggs. They are also vertebrates, bi-pedal, and endothermic.

Do birds lay eggs or not?

yes birds lay eggs

Which birds does not lay egg?

all birds lay eggs.

Do Kakapo lay eggs?

Kakapo are birds. They are the world's only flightless parrot. Therefore, they lay eggs.

Do Flamingo lay eggs?

Yes, they are birds and birds lay eggs.

What if a penguin had a litter of babies?

Penguins are birds. Birds lay eggs. Penguins can lay only one or two eggs at a time, depending on the breed

Do just female platypuses lay eggs?

Yes. Only female platypuses are able to lay eggs. This is the case with all egg-laying vertebrates.

Do boy toucans lay eggs?

the male birds cannot lay eggs. No male birds lay eggs. Only female birds lay eggs. Males fertilize eggs just like humans and all other male species of animals do. Toucans are no exception to the rule.

Do lyre birds lay eggs?

Yes All birds lay eggs