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Bisons are commonly called Buffaloes but they are not related to true buffaloes.

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Q: Is a bison female or male bull?
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What is an male and female bison called?

A male bison or buffalo is called a bullBull

What is a young male bison name?

A young male bison is called a bull.

What is a young bison name?

A young male bison is called a bull.

What is a buffalo male called?

A male buffalo or bison is called a bull.

What called a buffalo male?

A male buffalo or bison is called a bull.

Are Yak Bulls a Girl?

No. Just like in domestic cattle, bison, elk, moose, etc., the bull is the male (or "boy") not female (or "girl"). Female yaks are called cows.

Who would win in a fight bison or bull?

Well, Let's be clear as to what we are talking about here. A Bison is a large hooved mammal belonging to Bovinae Sub Family of the bovidae Family of animals. They are Bovines, like yaks and cows (cattle). There are two existing species, The American Bison and the European Bison. There 4 known extinct species. A Bull is the male of any of this family of animals If you are asking who would win a fight? I would say put two male Bison in a pit with a breeding female. My guess is the larger more testosterone soaked male will win his ladies affection. So the answer is the larger hornier Bison will win making both the Bison and the Bull the winner. This by the way was a trick answer since bison and bull aren't describing different animals.

What is the girl bull?

"Girl bulls" don't exist. A bull is male, not either female or male, and a cow is female, not either male or female.

What is a male moose called?

A male is called a 'bull' and a female a 'cow'

What is a male or female whale called?

a female whale is a cow and male is a bull

Were does bull live? everywhere. Bull is the term for a male bovine as well as large species of male antelope and deer, which includes cattle, bison, elk, moose etc. A male elephant is also referred to as a bull.

What is a male and female rhino called?

The female is a Cow and the male is a Bull