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No It is a Japanese Culture

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Q: Are black cats good luck in Brazil?
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France believe cat are good or bad luck?

In France, black cats are traditionally seen as bad luck, particularly if they cross your path. However, in some regions, they are also believed to bring good luck. Overall, cultural beliefs about cats and luck can vary within different communities.

Why do people think cats are bad luck?

They say it is evil because of the black cat that passed someone on Friday the 13th and they got bad luck for a long time. But realy black cats are not bad luck it is just a rumer. They are even good luck somtimes. So it is just a rumer.

A black cat is thought to be what?

Black cats are culturally known to commonly have bad luck, although some might find it good luck, depending.

Is a black bad luck?

Yea black cats are bad luck landon robinson!!

Why did the superstitions of black cats start?

I'm not sure if anyone knows why they started. Each country has their own superstitions about black cats. Most think they are good luck or magical. Americans are about the only ones who think of them as bad luck.

What does it mean when cats are black?

If u r superstitious black cats r bad luck

Do black cats bring bad luck?

In some cultures, black cats are believed to bring bad luck, while in others they are considered good luck. Ultimately, whether a black cat brings bad luck is a matter of personal belief and cultural superstitions.

Is a white cat lucky or not lucky?

Well, it really depends on if you believe they do or not. I mean, if I were a cat, red or any other color, I wouldn't want to bring good luck to someone who just shooed me away or scoffed at me. Since I'm a cat lover, I believe that all cats are good luck if you take care of them and love them.

Why are black cats bad luck?

The superstition around black cats being bad luck likely originated during medieval times when they were associated with witches and dark magic. However, in many cultures today, black cats are considered symbols of good luck and prosperity. Ultimately, whether a black cat is perceived as bad luck is just a matter of superstition and personal beliefs.

Are black dogs bad luck?

No, neither black cats nor black dogs are bad luck. That is just superstition.

Are black cats lucky?

Yes, I have one it makes me very lucky. Black cats are lucky. They may cost a lot, I know, I have one, but they are worth it. People say they are bad luck but they are really not. I used to have bad luck and ever since I got a black cat I've had good luck and I still do. So, if you need a cat get a full black cat.

Which cats are supposedly bad luck?

Black cats are often considered to be bad luck. However, this has not been proven to be correct.