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Q: Are black stools normal after iron infusions?
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Can iron tablets cause you to have black stools?

People taking iron supplements tend to have dark or black stools. Some regard this as a sign that the iron is being absorbed in the body. If the stool does not darken, it may mean that the iron supplement is not working and the brand of pills may have to be changed or the situation may have to be discussed with a pharmacist or doctor.

What does it mean if you pass black stool?

if your stool is black then there is alot of iron in your system. those who take iron tablets, their stools are black.

Why does your 2 year old have black stools?

One reason may be that they are taking a multivitamin with Iron, or a formula of milk with Iron. Iron will cause black stools. Or it could be what is called occult blood, which is unlikely, but can be easily checked by your doctor testing a stool sample

What cause white stool discoloration?

Iron pills will make your stools very dark in color, almost black.

Are there any side effects to IV Iron infusions?

The most common side effect from iron supplements is stomach upset including discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and heartburn. Stools commonly become dark green or black when iron preparations are taken by mouth.

Due to the timing, t?

Due to the timing, the change in stool color is most likely due to the iron supplement. However, recent NSAID use and anemia may herald something more serious such as gastrointestinal bleeding, which can also cause black stools (see my original answer above for more details); even if your black stools are from the iron alone, the anemia should be further evaluated.

Will Cigna insurance cover mandatory iron infusions?

Whether or not Cigna will cover mandatory iron infusions depends on if your doctor designated this procedure as medically necessary to your health. In order to get the procedure approved, your doctor should contact Cigna prior to making you go for any procedures.

Hi Dave-the color an?

Hi Dave-the color and consistency of stool can vary widely from person to person and depending upon the diet. However, black stool should not be ignored, especially if it is sticky and loose. This can indicate old blood in the stool. However, medications can also cause stool to be black-the most common culprits are Pepto-Bismol and iron. If you are having solid black stools while on the iron, this is the most likely cause. That being said, the presence of anemia and NSAID (naproxen) use, along with black stools, is potentially concerning. NSAIDs can cause injury to the mucosal lining of the intestinal tract, ranging from mild irritation to severe ulceration. These injuries can lead to bleeding, which can cause black stools and, if enough blood loss occurs, iron deficiency anemia (I'm not sure what type of anemia you have based upon your question-there are multiple types of anemia, and iron-deficiency anemia is the kind associated with chronic intestinal bleeding). Even if there is no injury from the naproxen, the combination of black stools and iron-deficiency anemia should prompt further evaluation of the intestinal tract. If you've never had a colonoscopy, I would recommend you get this test done in the near future to exclude problems like large polyps.

When your poop comes out black?

Did you recently start taking iron supplements? this can cause black/dark stools. Also it could be an upper gastrointestinal bleed in which case you need to be evaluated by your doctor. Go have a stool specimen done to be on the safe side.

I had some period like cramping but had no spotting 7 days after conception I have noticed that I have a lot of mucus and blackish green stools. Does this mean I am pregnant?

If you have blackish green stools you really need to see a doctor. It may just be something you have eaten, or it may be serious, black stools can indicate bleeding in your digestive system, (it can also be from taking vitamins with iron) it is certainly nothing to do with being pregnant.

What are normal iron lev?

My iron level is 5. Is that normal

What does it mean when dog's stools smell metallic?

Most of the time it means to much iron in their food.Or if they are on medicine