

Are bleeding gums a sign of gum infection?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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the description given, are the most common signs for a gum infection, you should contact your dentist if it is very painful, to get the inflammation treated.

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Q: Are bleeding gums a sign of gum infection?
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bleeding gums

What is periodontal gum disease?

Infection of the gums around the teeth.

What are some symptoms of gum disease?

There are several symptoms of gum disease. These include bad breath, your gums appearing red or puffy, your gums receding and your gums bleeding while brushing or flossing.

What is one of the first indicators of gum disease?

The most telling signs of early gum disease are swollen gums and bleeding.

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A gum specialist did some surgery on my gum and he priscribed apo-metronidazole

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no vitamin causes bleed gum it is the deficiency sign that causes bleeding gum..

Is it normal for gum to bleed when you grind your teeth?

no if your gums are bleeding when you gtind your teeth you may have gum disesase consult you dentist asap !

Can you have a gum infection with a tooth growing underneath?

It is possible for the gums to become infected anywhere.

What is a gum disease?

"Gum disease" is a non-medical way to describe any disease that affects the gums in your mouth. One of the most common gum diseases is gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gingiva or gums - signs include bleeding from the gums, swelling, pain and redness of the gums. However, there are other diseases include cancer of the gingiva that are also classified as "gum disease".

Which vitamin deficiency causes bleeding gums?

Deficiency of Vitamin C (scurvy) will lead to gum changes and also causes problems with the blood vessels, hence causing bleeding in the gums. Also a deficiency in Vitamin K may also cause bleeding gums do to the lack of clotting factors which will lead to unusual or excessive bleeding.

What disease is associated with bleeding gums?

Several diseases have bleeding gums as a symptom. The most common diseases would be periodontitis, gingivitis, or gum disease. It is important to rule these out before you go on to looking for more exotic causes of bleeding gums. See a good dentist. Pregnancy can cause bleeding gums, as can birth control pills. This has to do with fluctuating hormone levels. In fact, almost any hormone therapy can cause bleeding gums. Certain anti-seizure medications such as dilantin can cause bleeding gums. Bleeding gums can be associated with certain vitamin deficiencies, such as vitamin C or vitamin K. The latter indicates a problem with the liver. Alcoholism can be a source of bleeding gums. Cancer or cancer treatments can cause bleeding gums. See a dentist and rule out the most common sources of bleeding gums first.

What kind of diseases are associated with bleeding gums?

Gingivitis is the mildest form of periodontal (gum) disease. (see