

Are bones living tissue

Updated: 12/13/2022
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12y ago

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yes, they are an ossified tissue

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Q: Are bones living tissue
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Are bones living material?

The bones in our bodies are considered living material. They contain living, growing tissue. Bones are made of calcium and collagen.they are made of living material.

Are human bones considered living tissue?

Human bones are definitely considered to be living tissue. This is because bone grows and repairs itself as time goes on.

What is the soft living tissue found inside bones?


How do you know if bones are alive?

Bones aren't alive, they can't even be described as 'living tissue' any more than hair, toenails, cartilege. Living tissue is skin, muscle, ligaments, and nerves. Blood, urea, sweat, fasces are liquid versions of living tissue.

What is the soft living tissue found inside bones called?


Are bones living on its own?

Bone is very much living. Try breaking a bone, and see what it does. :)

How can you say that bones are living?

Bone is a tissue, it is living in a sense <doesn't have consciousness. There are small channells in the bone tissue that nourish it. A healthy bone grows, it supports and is involved in production of blood. Bones are made of cells, like all tissues, the cells have a metabolism.

What type of tissue has large amounts of nonliving matrix?

The bones have the largest amount of minerals, calcium and phosphorus, in its extracellular matrix. Teeth, which are specialized bone, have additional enamel that makes them even stronger. That answer has nothing to do with the question asked....but the answer is connective tissue.

What are bones moved by?

Bones tissue

Do flat bones have tissue?

No flat bones don't not have tissue it has marrow to support it.

How is a bone a complex tissue?

bones are a comlex tissue. Because your bones cannot break that easy! that is why your bones are complex

What spongy tissue holds your bones together?

A spongy tissue in bones is inside the bones and it makes red blood cells.