

Are bouncy balls toxic

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Rubber is not toxic, but it is not edible either; if you tried to eat a bouncy ball you might choke to death.

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Q: Are bouncy balls toxic
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By are balls bouncy?

Because rubber is bouncy!!!! and bouncy balls are made out of rubber.

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Can you melt a bouncy ball?

No, attempting to melt a bouncy ball can release toxic fumes due to the materials they are made from, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyethylene. It's best to dispose of bouncy balls properly instead of trying to melt them.

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What are some brand names of bouncy balls?

One common brand name is Mega Balls.... (My Balls)

Where can you buy bulk bouncy balls?

You can buy a wide variety of bulk amounts of bouncy balls at Go to the website address below to see a list of the bouncy balls we have. Mention coupon code WIKIANS for 10% off!

Who created bouncy balls?

Norman Stingley invented the bouncy ball.

Why do smaller bouncy balls bounce higher than larger bouncy balls?

Smaller bouncy balls bounce higher than larger ones because they have less mass and experience less air resistance when they bounce. This allows them to conserve more of their initial energy and bounce higher with each rebound.

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What are facts about bouncy balls?

Bouncy balls are made from materials like rubber or plastic and are designed to rebound off surfaces when thrown. They come in various sizes and colors, with some featuring unique patterns or designs. Bouncy balls are popular toys for children and used in various games and activities.