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Yes. Mine has helped me get more rabbits than she has quail. She will point them if they try to hide, she yips and flushes if they try to run. I think she likes rabbits more than birds sometimes. You just have to be careful with your shots as a Britt is much faster than a beagle and can be right on the rabbit's tail in the chase.

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Q: Are britney spaniels good for rabbit hunting?
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What is a good gun for rabbit hunting?

# 8 shot - light load

Is a silver fox rabbit a meat rabbit?

Silver Fox Rabbits can be a meat rabbit. Any big rabbit is good for meat. A good meat rabbit is California rabbits.

Do Patterdale Terriers make good tree-squirrel dogs?

No. They are fast dogs, but they are not cabable of the squirrels agility or the squirrels climbing ability. They are excellent fox, badger, rabbit, and quail hunting dogs. Yay!

What Class is the Airedale Terrier in?

In the USA they're probably in the terrier class. Airedales are a hunting/working dog, bred as water spaniels to hunt otters. Many of our domestic dogs come from hunting water spaniels; I have Gordon setters, the biggest of all the setters, bred (so it's said) by the Scottish Earl of Gordon. I have to keep the boy's water bowl in the bathtub because he'll attack it and spread water all over the place. Maybe he hopes to find an otter or a possibly a duck. If you have an Airedale you are lucky indeed; they're a marvellous breed! One of the good websites for your breed is a Canadian site, here:

What are good dogs for small yards and children?

A good dog for small yard and children would be probably a cocker spaniel or chihuahua. Cocker Spaniels are very nice dogs, and so are chihuahuas. Chihuahua can be very protective over your family, and they act as if they are big dogs and not so little. Cocker Spaniels I hear are very good dogs, and are the most well-behaved dog in the US. I strongly recommend those dogs.

Related questions

Where do you find really good hunting information on Brittany spaniels?

the nose

Can springer spaniels be trained to hunt rabbit?

nah man i dont think sniper spanel is even a dog man

Is the 410 a good rabbit gun?

Yes. The 410 does not do as much damage to a rabbit as as 20 guage or a 12 gauge. A 410 is good because it does not take a lot to kill a rabbit, and they are usually shorter in length then the other guns. Rabbit hunting is often done in thick brush and a shorter barrell is easier to control. Plus it puts more of a challange in the hunt. Hunting should be a challenge, otherwise it would be boring. I personally use a 20 gauge with light loads for rabbit. As soon as I can I'm going to get a 410 for rabbit hunting though. It should be a blast. Happy hunting and remember, be safe.

Are Clumber Spaniels good at Flyball?

Cocker Spaniels were originally breed as hunting dogs used specificly to bring back water fowl. So most Cockers will happily fetch balls and frisbees.

What is a good gun for rabbit hunting?

# 8 shot - light load

Are cocker spaniels good with kids?


Are coker spaniels a good pet?

Yes I Would recommend Cocker Spaniels as good pets. They are very loyal to you, if you have the time for them as they like to be around people.

Are spaniels mix good with kids?

Yes. Brittany spaniels are a type of spaniel. They're good sized. 30-40 lbs, and not too rough.

Do cocka spannels make good family pets?

Cocker spaniels are part of the hunting group of dogs. As such, they are fairly easy to train, and do make good family pets. But they can have long hair, so they will need quite a bit of combing and brushing.

Is remmington a good gun for rabbit hunting?

'Remington' is a firearm maker who makes many kinds of firearms. Their model 1100 Sporting 410 shotgun would be good.

Were is the best place to hunt cottontail rabbits?

Little north of texas. Here in AZ we got some good jack rabbit hunting.

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