

Best Answer

No. brown worms are not poisonous. I catch them every day and I'm perfectly fine.

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Joany Funk

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Q: Are brown inchworms poisonous
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Are Yellow inchworms poisonous?

NO. i held one

Are green inchworms poisonous?

I wouldn't give inchworms to leopard frogs. Leopard frogs need mealworms, waxworms, earthworms, or crickets. Inchworms aren't required to be fed to leopard frogs. So, I wouldn't take a chance. If your leopard frog accidentally ate an inchworm, I think it may not hurt them. Although, you may want to ask a vet, or the pet store you bought the leopard frog from for a firm and final answer. If you found your leopard frog in a pond or creek, find out which local pet store sells leopard frogs and ask.

Are brown spiders poisonous?

no they am not

Do inchworms make a lululemon sign?

Yes , yes they do! inchworms do make a lululemon sign. inchworms make a lululemon sign when they walk.

Where do inchworms hide?

Inchworms hide in dirt usually sometimes in houses

What is brown aggressive poisonous spider?

brown recluse spider

What do inchworms look like?

inchworms are not actually worms. they are just another name for any small, hairless caterpillar. There is not a certain kind of animal called an inchworms, it is just a general term. Most of the time they are green or brown, and are about an inch long, hence the name "inchworm". The walk with little suction feet by making a hump in their back, then straightening out and repeating the process until they have moved the distance they want to go. You will most likely see inchworms in the grass or on the leaves of trees.

What is a brown reclus?

a poisonous spider

Why is the brown snake poisonous?

no no no no What type of brown snake brown snakes aren't poisonous, they are VENOMous The venom is to protect itself and kill it's food

Are inchworms piosoniss?


Do inchworms live near leaves?

Inchworms are the larvae of moths. They eat leaves of trees in the spring.

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