

Are bunnies evil

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Bunnies tend to eat your things, poop all over your house and bite your wires. They throw the food you give them out of their cage and then pee on it. The will bite you, poop On you, and the will have little parties with poop. So no bunnies are not evil. :D

So person your saying they are not evil but there evil

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13y ago
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15y ago

no not at all they clean themsleves every day

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14y ago

They tend to be quite timid animals, but if they can be friendly with people they know well.

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13y ago

No, although some may seem aggressive.

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14y ago

they are veryyyyyy nice, I have 17

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Why do bunnies have eyeliner?

Bunnies do not have eyeliner on.

Do bunnies have preys?

Bunnies are vegetarians, and do not have prey.

Why don't bunnies eat bacon?

They are not carnivores. Bunnies are herbivores, which is like being vegetarian. Bunnies do not and will not eat meat.

How does water help the environment?

Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Hetalia FTW ((Ok, here's the actual answer. If we use less electricity, it doesn't pollute the water with coal and oil particles. )) Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies HOLY SWEET MAPLE JESUS I LOVE FLYING MINT BUNNIES. BI ...I'm Canada. HI GUYS. E.G New Zealand, Romano, France, Spain, Italy, Australia, Scotland, Nova Scotia, and Russia. BI ~From Mattie Canada Williams and Pretty Princess Petunia.

Where are bunnies found?

Bunnies are often found at a breeder's house who raises or breeds bunnies. You can also find them at a pet store. Go online to see where bunnies can also be found.

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well, i hear he loves a good novel about evil bunnies. If i say so myself he has great taste. Evil bunnies are awesome!

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Bunnies. Bunnies. Bunnies.

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=floppy bunnies==floppy bunnies==floppy bunnies=

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Bunnies do not have eyeliner on.

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Do bunnies rock?

Bunnies ROCK

What is the difference between male bunnies and female bunnies?

From my studies i think that you can see Male Bunnies Kidneys, but for Female Bunnies you cant.

What are bunnies related to?

Hares are related to bunnies.