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Yes. It takescalcium out of your body which you need to have strong bones! It will also make you very hyper for a short time if you have a lot, and then you will feel tired and possibly get a headache.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Excessive amounts of caffeine put a lot of stress on your cardiovascular system. If you take one, once in a while, it should be fine. But, don't take too many of them on a regular basis.

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12y ago

I'd advise you not to take them.

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Q: Is caffeine bad for the human body?
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Is caffeine bad for brain?

Caffeine is not bad for your brain , but can be bad for other parts of your body.

Is there such thing as good and bad caffiene?

There is no goodcaffeine. Caffeine is bad for your body You need some caffeine.

Co0mpare how caffeine affects the human bodyto the way this chemical affected a spider?

There are a number of differences between the impact of caffeine on the human body and on the spider's body. Caffeine will energize a human and kill a spider.

Does the human body naturally produce caffeine?


Why is to much coffee bad?

It contains caffeine and caffeine is a drug that effects the body in various ways.

Why might cola be bad for your body?

coca cola might be bad for your body because it is a fizzy drink which contains caffeine (a type of drug) which is bad for your body, teeth, and health.

How does Caffeine effect the human body?

Caffeine is great for concentration, it improves memory. 1-4 cups per day is good.

Is coffee bad for the body?

Yes, coffee is very bad for the body although everyone drinks it because it has caffeine and that gets extremely addicting. Coffee stunts growth.

Can caffeine drinks melt Styrofoam?

NOOO mate it's just bad 4 ur body

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1. What are the dangers of caffeine?

Caffeine is bad for your teeth.

I am 11 and i drink a lot of mega monster drinks and the caffeine has no affect on me is that normal And if not why does this happen to me?

You may not feel the stimulant effect as much as other people, especially if you are used to caffeine, but it is still having an effect on your body. Excessive caffeine, especially during growth years, can be very bad for your heart. Go a couple of days without a caffeine based energy drink. You will likely get a pretty bad headache and feel sluggish. This is a symptom of caffeine dependency building in your body.