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Q: Are canned prunes stronger than dried prunes?
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What are prunes made of?

Prunes are dried plums. Prunes have long been associated with a laxative effect, so more recent labeling uses the term "dried plums", because the association is then with the fruit rather than with the well-known properties of prunes.

What kind of tree do prunes come from?

A prune is a plum which has been dried. Plums grow on trees and can be purple, red or yellow. They have a somewhat flattened pip, which contains a nut which resembles an almond.

Which is the only family of Fruit that does not ripe after plucking?

Raisins, dried aprocots, dried tomatoes, prunes ( all of the ones that have been dehidrated ) other than that, none

Which is strongest ground sage or rubbed sage?

Sage rubbed from a fresh plant is much stronger than dried ground sage. Fresh herbs are almost invariably stronger in flavor than dried.

Do prunes make you defecate?

If you eat dried prunes you'll be getting much more fiber than you will if you eat a fresh plum. Prunes will almost certainly help with constipation, and while plums may offer some vitamins and nutrients. They do not necessarily make you go to the toilet

Can you dry basil in a dehydrator?

As a general rule, dried spices are stronger than fresh spices.

Do dried dates have somewhat of a laxative effect?

Yes, they do. Actually, dried dates contain more fiber than prunes! If you're constipated, soak six dried dates in a glass of water. Once it cools, drink the liquid and eat the dates. Have a few every day to stay regular!

4tsp of fresh herb is equivalent to how many dried?

In general, dried herbs are stronger than fresh herbs and it may be safe to say 2 tsp. of dried herbs equals 4 tsp. of fresh herbs.

How much dried thyme equals 1 teaspoons fresh?

When herbs are dried, the oils which create the flavor and aroma are concentrated in the material that remains when the water is removed. Dried herbs are therefore stronger than fresh ones. Try using half as much dried as fresh or twice as much fress as dried and adjust to taste.

Are prunes better for you than apples?

Yes, they are healthy for you. A plum is a purple fruit that grows on trees. Prunes are dried plums, the same thing with most of the moisture removed, though they are not really dry. They contain vitamins and fiber and are a great alternative to candy and high salt snacks.

Does dry beans have more carb than can beans?

Canned beans usually comes ina sauce that has a surprising amount of sugar in it, so dried would have less carbohydrates.

What do you suppose is the purpose of heating clay pot after they have been formed into the desired shape in a kiln?

Clay that is burnt is stronger than clay that has just been dried in the air.