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Q: Are capillaries organs
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What organs have no capillaries?

To the best of my knowledge, all organs have capillaries as this is how the tissue is fed nutrients and wastes are removed.

Are capillaries found in the digestive organs?


Which system is compromised of these organs and capillaries?

The Circulatory System.

What organisms have capillaries?

To the best of my knowledge, all organs have capillaries as this is how the tissue is fed nutrients and wastes are removed.

What are the tiny blood vessels that carry blood to the organs?


Oxygen passes from the blood into organs through the walls of?

Oxygen passes from the blood into organs through the wall of capillaries.

What are the structures and organs of the circulatory system?

Heart, veins, arteries, and capillaries

What are the main organs of the heart?

i think arteries, capillaries, aorta just guessing

In vertebrates organs adapted for respiratory gas exchange are characterized?

presence of many capillaries

What is the blood vessel present within organs?

Arteries, veins and capillaries are the three major types of blood vessels. They are all found in organs.

What are the three major vessels of blood circulation?

The main organ would be the Heart. Other major organs are the veins and arteries. Lungs are also a part of the blood circulatory system.

What are the organs of a forg's circulatory system?

The organs of the frog's circulatory system are the heart and blood vessels. The blood vessels include veins, arteries, and capillaries.