

Are carbon monixide detectors legally required in a hotel?

Updated: 9/10/2019
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13y ago

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What is legally required would depend on the laws in the particular state as well as the requirements of the insurance carrier. Depending on the heating system and other mechanicals, there may be no need for CO detectors.

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Q: Are carbon monixide detectors legally required in a hotel?
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Are carbon monoxide detectors required in all residential apartments?

Not carbon monoxide detectors required but gas detector (natural gas & LPG ) or combined gas detector including carbon monoxide are required in all residential apartments. It is to avoid gas leakage in kitchen or somewhere. Another answer: Check the local laws in your area. Carbon monoxide detectors are not usually required in residential apartments, nor are gas detectors.

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Do people and animals pruduse carbon monixide?

No and besides carbon monoxide can kill you because it's a deadly gas.

Where can one purchase a secondhand CO2 detector?

Carbon dioxide detectors do no seem to be widely available. Carbon monoxide detectors are quite common and required for homes in some states. One should never purchase this type of equipment secondhand as it may not work when needed.

What are co2 detectors used for?

CO2 detectors are used for detecting levels of carbon monoxide in the air. Many people use CO2 detectors in their homes to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

What are carbon monoxide detectors used for?

carbon monoxide detectors used for detecing carbon monoxide that is a odorless deadly gas that can come into your home and hurt your family. they detect it and warn you

Why are CO2 detectors used?

Well the science behind using carbon dioxide is kinda simple! Why are they made? To catch people like asylum-seekers and refuges who are doing bad. They detectors sense carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is science so you have to explain about carbon dioxide and respiration. We give out co2 afta breathin in oxygen right? well that's science! there you go quite simpal init..?!

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Crowcon does have gas detectors that will detect carbon monoxide. The detector will send out a signal to warn your household that there is a dangerous amount of carbon monoxide.

When there is not enought oxygen in coal another substance is made what is the name of that substance?

carbon monixide. this is toxic to your body because it stops the blood from flowing