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No. Because the teeth is made of different layers that protect your teeth. They are made to stay positioned on your gums while bones are made to be positioned by being connected to each other. Also, the teeth and the bones consist of different materials. Therefore, they are not the same.

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13y ago

No. Teeth are made of dentin, dental pulp and enamel. Bones are made of calcium. Teeth are not the same as bones.

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Q: Are chicken bones made of the same things as teeth?
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What are chicken bones made from?

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What is chicken bone made of?

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Are the human teeth bone?

No, teeth are not bones. Is the "skin" lining your stomach skin? It is soft like your "outside skin," but it is not the same. Bones are defined by the presence of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, the two types of cells that produce and dissolve BONE in the body. Teeth are made by odontoblasts and ameloblasts, which are totally distinct and different from osteoblasts.