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In general, chickens are fertile all year. Hens produce more eggs during the renewed light period of the spring and again in the fall, and produce less eggs in the stressful hot summer and cold winter seasons. A rooster may also become less fertile in summer/winter. If you have adequate heating, the best time to raise chicks is in February through early April. When the chicken is about a year old, it will go through a moult. In the wild they would not be able to properly defend themselves, much less eggs, during this time; therefore, they are considerably less fertile during a moult.

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10y ago
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12y ago

A rooster within a flock of hens will do his best to fertilize all the hens and therefore all the eggs laid. A rooster only needs to mount the hen once and deposit a sperm sac which can last up to 10 days without re mounting the hen.

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9y ago

If you want to have Chicks then you have to have a cockerel but if you want just eggs then it doesn't matter.

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13y ago

YES Roosters are sexually active 12 months of the year.

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Q: Will roosters fertilize all the chicken eggs?
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What is the function of chicken?

As with all creatures. The genetic imperative is to grow up strong and health, reproduce and continue the species. Hens produce eggs, roosters fertilize, the chicks grow and start over.

Why do roosters eat hen eggs?

Actually, roosters are usually the only kind of chicken eaten. Hens are kept for egg laying and a few roosters stay on a farm to fertilize the many females. Since few are needed to keep the flock fertile, the roosters not eaten (There are a large excess of them after the eggs hatch) are sold to food processing plants. I hope I have answered your question.

Do all chickens lay eggs?

The females from all breeds of chickens lay eggs. Some hens stop laying when they are old, but there are no breeds or varieties of chickens in which the females do not lay eggs. Roosters, as the male of the species, never lay eggs.

Do male parrots fertilize eggs?

Yes. As with all birds a male is needed to fertilize the eggs.

Do you need a rooster to produce eggs?

NO, hens lay eggs without roosters at all. The only thing roosters do for eggs, is fertilize them (Threw Mating) so that a chick can hatch.

How many roosters should you have in a flock?

If you have more than one rooster in a flock of hens, you will have cockfights. Sometimes, they will fight until one or both of them die. You only need one rooster to fertilize all the eggs anyway. Most people have the extra roosters for Sunday dinner - and not as a guest, if you understand.

What breed of chicken has quiet cockerels?

All roosters crow. There is no breed I am aware of that makes no noise. Crowing is a big part of the roosters job, he is the guardian of the flock and must keep the flock alert and danger away. This is done partly by crowing.

How do roosters get the hen pregnant?

Roosters don't get the hen pregnant but fertilise the eggs inside her. Chickens are born not from a Mother hen but come from the eggs she lays. The egg fertilisation process takes place when the rooster "Mounts" the hen.

Is it possible for full grown roosters to get along at all?

No no roosters get along at all they will fight to the death. Roosters will share a chicken coop. One rooster will establish dominance and the others will maintain a pecking order.

Can chickens eat chicken yolks?

Yes! Egg is good for chickens in moderation. You would want to cook it first though so they do not get in the habit of pecking eggs. Contrary to the previous answer... egg yolks are not baby chicks! Not all chicken eggs are fertilized. Hens lay eggs whether there is a rooster present or not; we get three eggs a day from our three ladies and no roosters are allowed in city limits. You are not eating baby chickens when you eat eggs! You can even feed your chicken...chicken!

What is the breed of rooster?

There are many, many breeds of chickens, and there are roosters of all breeds. So that is a very open question. Roosters can be any breed of chicken.

Does the rooster have to crow to fertilise the eggs?

All roosters crow. But the crowing IS NOT what fertilizes the eggs. They are fertilized when the male mates with the female.