

Are chickens mammals

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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No, chickens are not mammals. To be a mammal, a vertebrate must produce milk for its offspring. Chickens do not.

Chickens are birds. They have feathers and reproduce by a hard shelled egg. A mammal is an animal that gives live birth (except for marsupials and monotremes), has hair on it's body and feeds its babies with milk.

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8y ago
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14y ago

no useally chickens are birds Chickens are birds, descended fro the Asian jungle fowl.

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Are chickens mammals or?

They are not mammals

Are chickens mamels?

If you mean "mammals", then no; Chickens have no mammary glands, and so they are not mammals.

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No. Chickens are birds, donkeys are mammals.

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Chickens are bipedal vertebrates. They are covered in feathers. They are also warm blooded, egg laying animals with wings. These criteria show that chickens are birds, not mammals.

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Chickens have a rectal (cloacal) region, but it is not fully bifurcated as in mammals.

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no tigers and chickens are not related tigers are big cats that are mammals and chickens are fowl that are birds they are not related

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The elephants, of course. Chickens aren't animals, they're birds. ================================================== Many people confuse "animals" and "mammals." Both chickens and elephants are animals. However, elephants are mammals and chickens are birds. Whoever asked you this riddle is probably confused about the difference between animals and mammals.

Do chickens breasts have nipples?

Nope. Nipples are used to provide milk for the young. This occurs in mammals and not birds. This is why you do not see chickens suckling.

Can you name a animal that give us eggs and mammals?

chickens give us eggs and the eggs have mammals inside. Platypus and echidna (monotremes, mammals that lay eggs)

Is rabbit a poultry?

No..Rabbits are mammals..Poultry are birds, like turkeys and chickens.