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They are not directly responsible. The estate is responsible to settle all the debts. Until these have been paid, the children are not entitled to receive anything.

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Q: Are children resposible for their parents debts after they die?
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Will the debt of the parents have to be paid by the children when they die?

The debts of the parents are paid by the parent's estate, not their children.

Do you have to pay the debts of your parents if they die?

The estate of a decedent is responsible for the debts. The debts must be paid before any assets are distributed to the heirs.

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The estate of the deceased is responsible for the debts. The spouse is going to have to pay the debt as a beneficiary of the home purchased by the spouse.

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The parents' estates are responsible for their debts. The creditors should be notified of their deaths. If there are no estates then the creditors are out of luck.

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If the person is not on the account they cannot access the account. All assets and property of deceased persons become a part of the estate as do all debts and are handled in accordance with state probate laws.

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Depends on the rank of the parents. They inherit the title when the parents die.

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Then their children claim all of the parents' possessions when they come of age. This is part of inheiritance.

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Usually the children just inherit the parents' money once they die, as long as the children continue to live under the same household as their parents once they die.

Do debts die with you in UK?

Your estate is responsible for paying your debts.

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The court will appoint an executor.

What rights have children who both parents die and leave a will?

Depend on what the will says.

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