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No, they do not.

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Q: Are chipmunks a example of a soil decomposer?
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What is a decomposer in top soil?

Really any type of fungus or bacteria. for example mushrooms and worms are decomposers.

What is a non example of decomposer?

What is a non example of a decomposer?

Are soil bacteria decomposer?

Yes, soil bacteria are decomposers. They break down organic matter in the soil into simpler compounds, which helps release nutrients back into the ecosystem for use by plants and other organisms. This process is essential for nutrient cycling and overall ecosystem function.

What is decomposing the insect's body?

It is when a type of decomposer turns it into nutrients. For example, bacteria is a decomposer. The insects body will give the soil more richness which would make plants be more healthy!

What is an example of a decomposer in a river?

An example of a decomposer in a river is bacteria. These microscopic organisms break down organic matter in the water, such as dead plants and animals, into simpler nutrients that can be recycled back into the ecosystem.

What is an example of a decomposer in texas?

An example of a decomposer in Texas is the fungus species known as Rhizopus stolonifer. This fungus plays a key role in breaking down organic matter in the soil, such as dead plants and animals, and recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem.

What is an example of decomposer?

An example of a decomposer is bacteria; another is fungi.

Is earthworm a producer consumer or a decomposer?

Decomposer, it breaks down dead matter and turns it into soil.

Is earthworms a a producer consumer or decomposer?

Decomposer, it breaks down dead matter and turns it into soil.

Is a earthworm a consumer or a producer decomposer?

Decomposer, it breaks down dead matter and turns it into soil.

Is a earthworm a producer consumer or a decomposer?

Decomposer, it breaks down dead matter and turns it into soil.

Is a earthworm a producer decomposer or a consumer?

Decomposer, it breaks down dead matter and turns it into soil.