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Q: Are chloroplasts and the central vacuole present in plant cells?
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What are Three structures present in plant cell but not in animal cells?

They have a central vacuole, chloroplasts, and cell wall, which are in plant cells but not in animal cells.

Which structure is not found in a animal cell?

Lysosomes, centrosomes, and flagella are present only in animal cells. Chloroplasts, the central vacuole, the cell wall, and plasmodesmata are found only in plant cells.

What two organelles are found in plant cells but not in animal cells?

The central vacuole, for storage and turgidity, and the chloroplasts, that preform photosynthesis for the plant.

What cell part do plant have that Animal cells do not have?

Plant cells have cell walls and chloroplasts but animal cells do not have them.

What components of a cell are unique for plant cells?

If by components, you mean organelles then there are amyloplasts , chloroplasts ,vacuole..

Structures persent in plant cells but not present in animal cells include?

Cell walls, chloroplasts, and a larger central vacuole.

Do plant Cells Have A Large Central Vacuole?

Chloroplasts are in plant cells only.Liver has animal cells.

What are 3 organelles that plant cells have and animal cells don't have?

Central Vacuole Chloroplasts Cell Wall

What 3 organnelles do plants have that animal cells don't?

Cell wall, chloroplasts, central vacuole

what organelle are present in plant cell that are absent in animal cell?

A difference between animal cells and plant cells is that plant cells have a cell wall and animal cells do not.Large, Central Vacuole Cell Wall Chloroplasts

what cellular are found in plant cells but not in animal cells?

I assume you want, Cell wall. Chloroplasts. Large central vacuole.

What do animal cells not have?

Compared to plant cells, they do not have cell walls nor chloroplasts.