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Q: Are chloroplasts present in mosses
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Do mosses contain chloroplasts to carry on photosynthesis?

Mosses are type of Bryophytes.So they have chloroplasts.

Does a moss leaf cell have a chloroplast?

Mosses are bryophytic plants.So they have chloroplasts.

Are chloroplasts only present in the plant cell cytoplasm?

Chloroplasts are present in plant cell cytoplasm and in some of the protists cells.

What type of eukaryotic cell has chloroplasts?

Chloroplasts are present in plants.They are also in algae.

Why are chloropasts present in animals?

Chloroplasts are not present in animals, from what I know.

What cell has chloroplasts are used by these calls for photosynthesis?

Chloroplasts are commonly in plants.Also present in algae.

Which organelles are present only in plant cells?

Chloroplasts are present only in plant cells.

What would happen if you did not have chloroplasts?

Well humans do not have chloroplasts. Chloroplasts only show up in plant cells as chloroplasts are for obtaining energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. No animal is able to do this as chloroplasts are not present in animal cells.

Why are no chloroplasts present in these pollen grains?

In most angiosperms (flowering plants), chloroplasts are maternally-inherited. Pollen grains (male seed) do not contain chloroplasts.

What organelle are present in the plant cell that are not in animals?


Are chloroplasts found in vascular or non vascular plants?

Chloroplasts are found in both vascualr plants (monocotyledons and dicotyledons) as well as non-vascular plants such as mosses and algae

What you technically call DNA present in chloroplasts?

The DNA present in chloroplast is tchnically called plastome