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6mo ago

No, chloroplasts are not uniformly scattered through the cell. In plant cells, chloroplasts are typically found in the mesophyll cells of leaves, where they are more concentrated due to their role in photosynthesis. They can also be found in other green parts of the plant such as stems and immature fruit, but their distribution is not uniform throughout the entire cell.

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The answer is Chloroplasts Energy enters the food chain through the chloroplasts. Chloroplasts don't exist in animal cells; they are present only in plants and some protists.

How are chloroplasts important to plants cells?

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What cell make food through photosynthesis?

The cells that make food out of photosynthesis are called chloroplasts.

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What is the function of cells without chloroplasts?

Chloroplasts are needed to make food. The cell without chloroplasts do not need them as the cells do not make food, thus chloroplasts are not needed in the cell.

What has a cell wall and chloroplasts?

Plant cells contain both chloroplasts and cell walls. Animal cells have cell membranes instead of cell walls and mitochondria instead of chloroplasts. Prokaryotes, such as bacteria and archaea, may have cell walls, but have no membrane-bound organelles such as chloroplasts.