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It doesn't happen much, but Clan leaders can have kits. Only medicine cats are restricted.

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1mo ago

Yes, clan leaders are allowed to have kits in some role-playing games or platforms. However, it ultimately depends on the rules and guidelines set by the specific game or platform being used. It is important to check with the game moderators or administrators to confirm if clan leaders can have kits.

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Can warrior cats clan leaders have mates?

Yes, warrior cats' clan leaders can have mates. However, it is generally frowned upon for a leader to show favoritism or be distracted from their duties by their mate. If a leader decides to have a mate, they must ensure that their responsibilities to their clan remain their top priority.

Which rank is not allowed to have a mate or kits?

Deputy cats are not allowed to have a mate or kits. This rule is in place to ensure deputies' focus remains on their duties to the Clan and not their personal lives.

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The Clan Mothers.

Who protects the kits in the Warriors book series?

In the Warriors book series, the kits are usually protected by their mother, other queens in the Clan, and occasionally by the medicine cat or other warriors in the Clan. The whole Clan has a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of the youngest and most vulnerable members.

What happens if a medicine cat in warrior cats have kits?

Medicine cats in the Warrior Cats series are not allowed to have kits, as their main duty is to serve their Clan by tending to the health and welfare of the cats in their Clan. If a medicine cat were to have kits, they would be breaking the medicine cat code and would likely face consequences such as being stripped of their position.

What is kitting?

Kitting is the Clan term for giving birth to kits.

What can warrior cats have that medicine cats can't?

Kits and mates would be a huge distraction to medicine cats. If the medicine cat had no apprentice and she got pregnant, then it would be very difficult to continue healing cats, as well as raising/carrying kits. If there was a big battle, instead of going for the heavily wounded first, the medicine cat would go for either their mate or their kits first, even if they are the least wounded.

When Crowfeather finds out that Jayfeather Lionblaze and Hollyleaf are his kits is he happy about it?

He was probably more shocked than happy. After all, he was just starting to get his clan to trust him again and suddenly he has kits in another clan.

What is the rank on warrior cats lake Territory?

In the Warrior Cats series, the rank on the lake territory includes leaders, deputy, warriors, apprentices, queens, elders, and kits. Leaders are responsible for making important decisions for the clan, deputies support the leader and sometimes take their place, warriors protect the clan, apprentices are in training to become warriors, queens are nursing or expecting mothers, elders are retired warriors, and kits are young cats.

Which rank is not alloud to mate or have kids in warrior cats?

Medicine cats are not allowed to have a mate or kittens.

Does Crowfeather ever accept that Lionblaze Jayfeather and Hollyleaf are his kits?

he really doesn't, also they're half clan, kits of the medicine cat and a warrior from another clan, there are so many things wrong with that.

Can warrior cat she-cat leaders have a mate and kits?

The queens.If they're going to have kits,they're going to have to have a mate.