

Are clouds forming form smoke and fog these days?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Clouds, by definition, are large collections of water vapor.

The fog that we see formed from car exhaust and factory smoke is called smog.

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Q: Are clouds forming form smoke and fog these days?
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Why do clouds form as the air rises?

As air rises it becomes decompressed, which causes it to cool. This cooling can cause water vapor to condense, forming clouds.

What weather can make clouds last for several days?

A Low Pressure System allows clouds to form. It is possible that the clouds can stick around for several days in this type of system.

Do clouds always lead to rain?

Dust or sand can also form clouds, which are sometimes seen in the desert. Explosions can form clouds of smoke. In terms of weather, yes, all clouds are composed of water vapor.

Why are there not many clouds in the desert?

clouds form when bodies of water evaporate during a period of time. Deserts not having bodies of water for many miles does not provide for cloud forming.

Do clouds form over deserts?

Yes, under the proper conditions, clouds can and do form over deserts.

Is form a noun?

The word 'form' is a noun and a verb, as in the following examples:Noun: 'My bouquet was in the form of a crown.'Verb: 'Push your thumb in the center of the dough to form a hollow for the jelly.'

Is clouds an abstract noun?

No, the noun clouds, the plural form for a cloud, is a concrete noun. A cloud is the vapor of a liquid or smoke, both of which can be seen, touched, or smelled; a physical thing.

What is the white smoke that comes out the back of a plane when its flying?

it helps to form all the clouds together to make it rain in areas that need it

Do clouds form from sublimation?

No, clouds form by condensation.

How does evaporate form?

when it is day time, the water gets heated up by the sun rays. when this happens, it starts evaporating and as result, it forms clouds. as evaporation continues all the day forming clouds, the clouds become heavier. due to the heavy droplets, it comes down as rain.