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They can be, as Diabetes can make blood circulation less efficient.

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Q: Are cold feet related to diabetes?
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Related questions

Is having cold feet a sign of diabetes?

Having cold hands and feet can be a sign of diabetes because diabetes damages capillaries that are close to the skin, meaning less blood flow and less warmth to the limbs farthest from the heart. This can also be a sign of bad circulation, however.

Does onxol cause cold feet?

Onxol does not directly cause cold feet, but it can create a systemic sclerosis, which is related to Raynaud's phenomenon. Ryenaud's phenomenon can lead to attacks of discoloration of the hands and feet in response to cold

What makes your feet cold?

Possible reasons for cold feet: poor circulation nervous system disorders cold exposure injuries hypothyroidism diabetes arteriosclerosis peripheral vascular disease Raynaud's phenomenon neuropathy frostbite anorexia nervosa side effects from medication

Is nausea related to chronic diabetes-?

Yes, nausea is related to chronic diabetes. One of the symptoms of chronic diabetes is nausea.

What diseases is related to lack of insulin production?

Diabetes Mellitus

Do you say get cold feet or have cold feet?

you say get cold feet . some people might say it's have cold feet , but for me , get cold feet makes more sense .

Is your feet cold or are your feet cold?

The correct way is ARE your feet cold. Since you are refering to the plural noun, feet :)

Is there a cure for blood diabetes?

pluto is very cold

What system is the diabetes related to?

endocrine system

Is diabetes related to anemia?

No. Diabetes is when your blood sugar is low. Anemia is when your deprived of iron in your diet.

How does the lack of fitness and nutrition related to diabetes?

Obesity & unhealty eatting habbits can cause diabetes

What is the problem if you have tingling in your feet and they are always cold cotton mouth and often urination could it be diabetes or an anxiety disorder?

A physician should diagnose this properly, however, the synthoms sound diabetic.