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Q: Are cold fronts good for farmers?
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Farmers prefer warm or cold fronts?

Warm fronts, definitely. It brings in sunshine and light rainstorms to feed the crops, followed by humidity to keep them moistened. It the healthiest for the plants, while cold fronts often drown them and tears them from the ground with the high winds.

What are the three cold fronts?

The three cold fronts are the warm fronts, cold fronts, and the stationary fronts.

Where do violent storms generally form along?

cold fronts

What are the three different fronts?

Warm fronts, cold fronts and occluded fronts.

Is this true Cold fronts and warm fronts travel at the same speed?

No, warm fronts generally move slower than cold fronts.

How quick do warm fronts move?

Warm fronts move quicker than cold fronts but cold fronts still move rapidly.

How do cold fronts move?

Cold fronts can move very rapidly but still move slower that warm fronts.

Why are the differences between cold and warm fronts so significant?

The differences between cold fronts and warm fronts is that, cold fronts are hard and nasty while warm fronts are soft and easy to sex :D Unknown ....

How quick do cold fronts move?

Cold fronts can move very rapidly but still move slower that warm fronts.

What do cold fronts and warm fronts do?

cold fronts is where the air is all condenced and when it is a warm front then it will push all of the cold air out of the atmosphere and it will probably be a storm

What kind of pressure accompany cold fronts?

Low pressure is always with cold fronts.

What are the types of front?

Cold, Warm, Stationary, and Occluded