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Yes some people can get this, but it also could be an ingrown hair. Nose hairs filter out pollution from the air. If the sore spot doesn't go away then please see your doctor.

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Q: Are cold sores normal when they occur in the nose?
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Can you get cold sores on your chin?

Yes, unfortunately cold sores can manifest on the chin. They can occur pretty much anywhere around the mouth, eyes, and nose. Additionally, cold sores, because they are the herpes virus, can be spread from those areas to the genitals and anus as well.

Can you catch a cold sore on your mouth if you already get them in your nose?

Not very likely. The herpes virus that causes cold sores "hides" in nerves and there are very few nerves in the nose area of the face compared to the mouth area.

Sores in nose when you have a cold is it from kleenex?

No, its from allergies

Can you get cold sores in the nostril?

Cold sores are painful blisters that can be found inside the mouth, on the face and even in or on the nose. You can actually find them anywhere on your body, including genital parts!

When a dogs nose is cold and wet?

This is normal.

Does desonide works for cold sores?

NO you shouldn't use that, specially if the cold sore is on or around the mouth. It's supposed to help sooth rashes and some skin conditions. They say not to apply it around the eyes, nose or mouth. Just get your self some cold sore cream from the pharmacy.

You have running nose with blood in cold time?

If you have a cold, a runny nose with blood can sometimes be normal. If you do not have a cold and it is just the winter season, your runny nose with blood could be due to the dry, cold air.

Can you take amoxicillin 500 mg to help heal the sores in your nose?

If it's a cold sore then that won't do much to help it. Cold sores are caused by a virus, you would have to get some antiviral medication or try taking Lysine capsils.

If you have a broken nose is it normal to have a sore throat?

Its not normal you probably just got a cold

Are cold sores only found outside of the mouth?

Cold sores appear as a cluster of small blisters usually on the lips or around the mouth, especially the corners, and occasionally inside the nose. Approximately 20-40% of people will suffer a recurrent outbreak

You sleep with oxygen every night you get sores in your nose?

Oxygen itself will not cause sores in your nose. If you are receiving the oxygen via nasal prongs or some sort of pipe that enters the nose, the pipe or prongs can cause irritation of the skin, resulting in sores.

Can you get cold sores on your forehead?

Cold Sores appear on the outside of your mouth around your lips.Canker Sores appear inside your mouth. They are often confused with cold sores, which are caused by the contagious herpes virus.How to tell the difference:Canker sores are small white swellings or sores surrounded by an area of redness. Although the exact cause is uncertain, some experts believe that immune system problems, bacteria or viruses may be involved. Factors such as stress, trauma, allergies, cigarette smoking, iron or other vitamin deficiencies, and heredity may also make one susceptible.Cold sores, also called fever blisters or herpes simplex, are groups of painful, fluid-filled blisters around the lips and sometimes under the nose or around the chin. Cold sores are usually caused by a type of herpes virus and are very contagious.