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Connectitut is in the United States. Currently (as of 2015), there is freedom of religion in the United States.

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Q: Are colonists free to practice any religion in Connecticut?
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Are people free to practice any religion they want in Taiwan?

yes, because if you want to practice any religion they want they can it shouldn't matter if you are christian and you want to practice jewish. so yes it is free to practice any religion the want!!

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Yes, religion is what fueled them to want to convert others. Take Nigeria for example: British "colonists" were concerned with spreading Christianity among tribes of the Igbo. That is how colonists first impacted the populations they colonized- by establishing the more powerful religions at the time and converting those with what seemed to be uncivilized beliefs.

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The First Amendment of the United States Constitution allows people to practice their own religion. It includes the Free Exercise Clause, which protects the right to freely practice one's religion without government interference.

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depends on which government the US government can't because of free speech and free right to practice your religion

Are people free to practice any religion in georgia?

Well yes. America is a free country and one of the admemdments to the constitution says that we have freedom of religion.

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In the U.S. we have freedom of religion. Everyone is free to practice any religion they choose, including congressmen.

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to be free and practice their own religion

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to be free and practice their own religion