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Unlubricated condoms, such as Durex Pure Protection, are simply male condoms without lubrication or spermicide. They are used exactly like lubricated condoms. SSIS recommends that water-based personal lubricants, such as Astroglide, or spermicidal lubricants be used in addition, however. This extra lubricant can help prevent the condoms from breaking, since there can be extra friction without lubrication. Because the taste of the lubricant or spermicide on lubricated condoms can be less than pleasing, unlubricated condoms can also be a good option for protection when performing oral sex. (It is not, however, harmful to taste the lubricant or spermicide.) An unlubricated male condom can also be used like a dental dam for oral-to-anal or oral-to-vaginal sex by cutting the tip of the condom off and cutting down one side of it. It should unroll to a rectangular piece of latex if done correctly.

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Q: Are condoms without lubrication available
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Could a urinary tract infection be caused by an allergy to condoms and or its lubrication?

Can be a reaction to spermicide or latex in condoms.

How can you get lubrication?

KY Jelly can be used as a lubrication, and is available at drug stores.

Can you die from fingering you but without lubrication?

No, without lubrication there might be some amount of pain and pulling, but no death of any sort; unless someone is fingering you with a knife.

What type of products are sold at Condom Depot?

Condoms are sold at Condom Depot. These include all of the types of condoms that are readily available. Both lubricated and non-lubricated are available there.

What are the types of birth control that are available without a prescription?

Not all types of birth control need a prescription. Condoms, female condoms, the birth control sponge, and spermicide are among them even though their controlling effects are somehow less than ones with a prescription.

What needs to be considered when buying condoms?

When someone is buying condoms they should consider size, colour and flavours available. One should also take into consideration the different textures which are available.

Where can you go to get free condoms online without doing surveys?

Go to a hospital and they'll usually provide you with free condoms.

Is spermicidal foam a non-prescription contraception?

In the US, spermicidal foam is available without a prescription. It is not a very effective contraceptive on its own, but is effective when used with condoms or other forms of contraception.

Are female condoms better than male condoms?

From the functionality perspective, both are better. This is not just another contraceptive sheath but was also designed to fit the female anatomy. Over 20 years now it has been in the market but still male condom is more popular. Overall male condoms have ease of use of male condom. Female condoms are usually made of nitrile sheath as against latex and offers more lubrication.

How do you prevent overpopulation?

Make birth control pils and condoms freely available.

What brands have available flavored condoms?

Nearly every major condom manufacturer will have flavored versions available. These companies include Durex and Trustex. Flavors range from the usual fruit flavors, to chocolate, and even bacon flavored condoms.

Where can one get free condoms from?

Free condoms are available from some health care providers and clinics. Planned Parenthood provides free condoms for its patients and have clinics across the United States and Canada. Additionally, many college health clinics provide free condoms.