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Yes cosmic rays are known to be harmful to living organisms, owing to their potential to penetrate and damage tissue. Similar could be said for many kinds of radiation. However, statistically speaking the risk on the Earth's surface is not of significant concern; the magnetic field of Earth and the atmosphere itself provides shielding against most cosmic rays. Outside the atmosphere, astronauts are exposed to higher levels. Studies regarding the effects of the radiation environment of space were conducted as a consequence of space exploration efforts; research concluded the risk was mitigated by the brevity of exposure of astronauts during their missions.

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Q: Are cosmic rays harmful to humans?
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Why are cosmic rays harmful to living organisms?

Because the cosmic rays consist of charged particles like gamma rays and x-rays

What are deadly cosmic rays?

They are rays from the sun. They are way more harmful than UV rays. They go in zigzag line. Anything struck by the deadly cosmic rays might get killed. The magnetic field is a force that protects the planet from deadly cosmic rays.

What layer of atomphere protects humans from theSun's harmful rays?

The ozone layer protects us from harmful rays. These rays are UV rays.

Why is ozone in the atmosphere of interest to humans?

It protects humans from UV rays. These are harmful rays of the sun.

How do clouds affect living things?

Clouds affect living things by their cosmic rays. These cosmic rays have an influence on the overall temperature. Humans are affected by the temperature and weather.

Are cosmic rays dangerous to earths inhabitants?

Cosmic rays can be extremely dangerous, and exposure to them can cause genetic mutations, cancer, radiation posion, and death. Luckily, life on Earth is largely protected from these harmful effects by the Earth's atmosphere (which stops all cosmic rays with energies below 1 GeV) and the Earth's magnetic field (which deflects cosmic rays).

Type of radiant energy is invisible to humans?

-- radio -- heat -- infrared -- ultraviolet -- microwave -- X-rays -- gamma rays -- cosmic rays

Does the ozone layer protect the earth from harmful cosmic rays?

ewan ko sau Not as much as the magnetosphere does.

What type of electromagnetic wave is considered harmful to humans?

These are ultraviolet rays, x-rays and gamma rays.

What layer of the atmosphere protects humans from the suns rays?

Sun's rays are some useful and some harmful. UV rays are harmful. ozone protects us from it.

Is cosmic ray useful for human health?

That is a very good question. Nobody thought on this probably. Cosmic rays are in the form of microwaves. They give heat to you. They are not harmful to you. They heat up the atmosphere to very little degree. As such their usefulness can be questioned. Cosmic rays are great curiosity in astrophysics.

How x rays and g rays are same?

they are not the same but both are waves and both can be harmful to humans if received in high quantities. Though gamma rays are more harmful than x-rays.