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A cooperative has the same rights and responsibilites as any other American business. That would include paying all due taxes including real estate tax

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Q: Are credit cooperatives required to file income tax return?
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If a minor owes less than 500 dollars for income tax do they have to pay?

If a minor has any income tax liability the minor would be required to file a income tax return. When you are a dependent on another individual income tax return and you have 950 or more of unearned income you are required to file a federal income tax return.

Will i receive a tax return check if i have no income and claim a child?

No. Qualifying earned income is required. Income that you work for.

When do you not have to file Federal Income tax?

No reportable taxable income to be entered on a income tax return would be a good start of not being required to file a federal income tax return.

How much taxable income do you have to make to get the earned incomecredit return?

When you qualify for the earned income tax credit and you have the qualified taxable earned income of 1 to 50 you can get 2 of earned income tax credit. And it also possible that could qualify for some of the making work pay tax credit. This would only happen when your income tax return is completely correctly.

Is an LLC required to file tax return if no income?

In certain states, all corporation are required to file a tax return regardless of income. This is also to pay their annual dues or fees to the state.

Are retired civilians required to file an income tax return?

Yes we are!

Can you file unearned on your taxes with 2 children?

If you are a dependent on another taxpayer's income tax return and you have 950 or more of unearned income you would be required to file a income tax return.

Do you have to file an income tax return over the age of 80?

There is no age limit on the requirement to file and income tax return. As long as you have more income than the filing threshold, you will be required to file a return, no matter what your age.

If you're on welfare can you file for taxes?

You can file a income tax return if you WANT to if the only worldwide income that you have is the welfare income amount. IF you do NOT have any other worldwide income to be reported on the 1040 federal income tax return you would NOT be required to file a 1040 federal income tax return.

You didn't get a 1099 do you still have to report the income?

Yes you are required all of your gross worldwide income on your 1040 income tax return.

You are 27yrs old and made 1700 can you file taxes?

Anyone can file a tax return with any amount of income. You may want to do this if you paid in withholding taxes or you qualify for some credit that will benefit you. You are not required to file with this amount of income but you can if you want to.

How old do you have to be to file income taxes?

Age is NOT one of the requirements of when you must file 1040 federal income tax return. As long as your are still breathing and have the required taxable income amounts you will be required to file a 1040 federal income tax return and pay any income taxes that may be due on the taxable amount of your income.