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Canada doesn't have a president, but it has a Queen whose functions are normally exercised by a Governor General. Whereas the US President can grant a pardon for any federal offense, arbitrarily, the Governor General exercises clemency on the advice of a government minister and only in exceptional circumstances.

Most criminal pardons in Canada are granted by the Parole Board of Canada. They serve only to make a criminal record inaccessible after a person has finished their sentence. More information on this topic can be found in the 'related links'.

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Q: Are criminal pardons in Canada the same as in the US?
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Is Nike shoes in US the same as Canada?

No! Nike shoes in us are not same as canada

In Canada What does the Judicial Branch do?

In Canada the Judicial Branch does the same as the us it enforces the laws

Do Canada have better technology than the US?

about the same

Are avis car deals in canada the same rate as the US?

Avis offers some of the same deals in Canada as the US. As far as the rate, a rental in Ontario seems to be priced less than a rental in Chicago for a US resident.

When its Friday in Hawaii what day is it in Canada?

Canada shares the same time zones as continental United States, for the most part. So the day in the continental US is the same as the day in Canada.

Related questions

Are pardons in Canada recognized by the US?

No, pardons granted for Canadian offences only count as pardons in Canada. For example, if a person with a criminal conviction wants to travel to the USA, they need a US entry waiver, even if they have a Canadian pardon. For more information:

Can the president give pardons?

The President of the US can grant pardons for Federal Crimes.

How are pardons costs in Canada different than in the US?

The only difference in pardon costs between the 2 countries seems to be the exchange rate.

Will the US border allow in Canadians out on bail?

No. Customs and Immigration will not allow entrance of Canadians with a Criminal Record. Therefore, a Canadian (released on bail) is subject to the same statute pertaining to the Criminal Code of Canada.

Is Nike shoes in US the same as Canada?

No! Nike shoes in us are not same as canada

If someone has a criminal pardon in Canada can they travel to the US?

No, if you have a criminal pardon, you still need a US Entry waiver before they will let you over the border.

Why are Canada and the US the same?

they are no the same

Who can pardon a person for a crime against the us?

The power to pardon individuals for federal crimes (whether charged, prosecuted, or convicted, or not) belongs to the President of the United States.

Can a US citizen travel to Canada after being convicted of a felony?

Yes as long as you gave no warrants out for your arrest. More information: You can travel within Canada with a criminal record, but people with a criminal record may not be allowed to cross the border to get into Canada from outside.

Can you drive into Canada from the us?

of course! unless of course you are a rapist, murder, or have any other criminal offence

Is Canada considered to be in the same nation as the US?

No, it is however in the same continent.

Who grants a US pardon?

The President can grant pardons for crimes against the USA.