

Best Answer

Absolutely. Being deaf does not effect your ability to drive.

Emergency vehicles have flashing lights besides sound for a reason.

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Q: Are deaf people allowed drive
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Related questions

How many deaf people have participated in the Olympics?

Deaf people play in the deaflympics which is there own olympics set for Deaf individuals only who have a hearing loss of 55 decibels or more in their good ear. Deaf athletes are not allowed to play in the paralympics because they are not physically disabled.

People who are should not be allowed to drive.?


Will UFC allow handicaps?

they have allowed deaf people to fight in UFC but that's as handicapped as ive seen someone

Are schizophrenics allowed to drive?

Except in special circumstances, people with schizophrenia are allowed to drive. Of course, they are not able to drive if they are in a full-time group home or a psychiatric institution.

What medicing was used for deaf people?

A medecine people are lately using, is called the metaphorcil medicine which is only allowed in surgey centers, not a perscriptioned medicine!

Is it legal for deaf people to drive?

Yes, they are actually usually better drivers than hearing people because their handicap causes them to be more aware of their surroundings than a hearing person would. They also can have a system in their car that tells them when an emergency vehicle is approaching. Most deaf people don't listen to music / have the distractions. They don't talk to their friends on the phone. Most deaf people have good sight since they are losing one of the 5 senses. Some people have gotten into accidents with emergency vehicles simply because they couldn't hear but that is un common. I know a lady who did and she ended up losing her memory. So deaf people can drive and frankly are good drivers.

How do deaf people handle relationships?

they did to go out with deaf people

Can deaf people get married?

Yes, deaf people can get married.

Are deaf people blind?

No,deaf people are not blind.There are people that are both though.

In Florida the day you get your license are you allowed to drive people around?


Should people be allowed to drink and drive?

of course not, it should be banned.

Are kids allowed to drive in Mexico?

no they are not allowed to drive