

Are digital movies good

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes, they are good. Go buy all of them.

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Q: Are digital movies good
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Can you save digital movies on a CD?

No, you can't save digital movies on a CD. You will need to burn the movies to a DVD storage device.

What is digital movie at movie theater?

they used to have films of movies and showed them. digital films are holigrams, holigraphs and DVDs * * * * * Digital movies have nothing to do with holograms or holographs. Old movies were recorded as a series of pictorial images. For digital movies, the same information is recorded but now each image is stored in digital form. Also in this time it means that the movie won't be 3d

Are digital movies the same as mp4 movies?

Yes they are the same. MP4 is a digital movie file format. AVI, MPEG2 and H.264 are common digital file formats as well.

What movies use digital prosthetics?

Planet terror

What are some good quality digital video cameras?

If you are purchasing a new camera for home movies, I would suggest getting a digital camera like Nikon that can record video because digital video cameras are very expensive. That would be the cheaper route to go.

How does the US Digital millennium Act relate to watching free online Indian movies?

The US Digital Millennium Act still prohibits you from watching Indian movies just as you are not allowed to watch other movies with the proper consent.

Where To Watch Digital Playground Movies Online?

buy them from the store, pop them in the DVD player, and turn your TV on

What movies have used the Houdini software?

2012 by digital domain

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Are DVDs only for movies?

The acronym DVD stands for Digital Video Disc, so yes they are basically movies.

How can old movies be in High definition?

You cannot take an old movie and make it HD, Newer movies are recorded in HD resolutions. such as 1280x720. -------------------------------- Actually, that's not true. Older movies are shot on film, not in digital format but that doesn't mean they're not high resolution. Old movies can be remastered into high resolution digital format so that they are every bit as good as newer movies shot in digital, high def format. The confusion stems from seeing old classic movies on standard TV, which is low resolution and thinking that this must be the way the movies were created. It is not. In a theatre, these old black and white films have incredible clarity. Eventually, we'll start seeing all the old classics in HD.