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By their sheer numbers, plants.

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Q: Are dinosaurs or plants more likely to become fossils?
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What is the definition for fossil?

Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of animals,plants anything that has life and which were in the past.Like the skeletons of Dinosaurs are there which are also fossils.

Can some plants and animals become fossils?


Is paleontology only about dinosaurs?

No, It includes the study of all plants,animals and fossils from the beginning of rock formation on earth.

What prehistoric animals that lived in Illinois?

Indeed they did. Of course, it wasn't Illinois then, but they walked over the same area of the Earth. Dinosaur fossils aren't much found there now, because the kinds of rocks they fossilized in are mostly out west. You can find fossils in Illinois, but they're found animals and plants that lived before the dinosaurs.

What are fossils are used for?

Fossils are used by scientists to study and understand the history of life on Earth, including evolution and extinction events. They help in reconstructing past environments, identifying species that have gone extinct, and dating rock layers. Fossils also contribute valuable information to fields like paleontology and biology.

Why would a lack of sunlight kill the dinosaurs?

Plants need sunlight to photosynthesize. Without sunlight, the plants would have died, and they would have become unhealthy for the herbivorous dinosaurs. These dinosaurs would have then died and rotted, becoming unhealthy for the carnivorous dinosaurs, thus causing the carnivorous to die.

Who or what is a paleaontologist?

A paleontologist is a scientist who studies fossils to learn about prehistoric plants and animals.

What part of the fossil is found?

Harder parts of organisms become fossils. For example vasculature in plants and bones of animals are best preserves in the fossils.

Most Virginia fossils are what type of organisms?

Well, dinosaurs made fossils; plants, insects, nearly everything made fossils. To list them all here would take too much time and space on the server. i would suggest narrowing your question to more specific criteria.