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I know its grose but us humans have bigger if you dont count the outside of a dogs

Janelle-Anellja thx

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Is a dogs pulse greater or less than a humans?

A dogs pulse is greater than a humans. The smaller the animal the faster the heartbeat. For example if you compare a cat to a mouse, the mouse has the faster heartbeat because of its size.

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no dogs are not smarter than humans, humans can think in a much smarter way than humans, No dogs are not smarter than humans at the moment but who knows maybe in the future they will be....

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Dogs have lived with humans for more than 12,000 years.

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Do smaller dogs run slower than large dogs?

Big dogs are much better at running because they have longer legs but some small dogs are pretty fast.

Can dogs detect higher and lower sounds than humans?

yes dogs can detect lower or higher sounds than humans