

Are dogs primates

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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No!! Dogs are Canines, not primates.

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Q: Are dogs primates
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Why are all primates mammals?

If you mean "Are all mammals primates?" then the answer is no. Primates are a type of mammal. All primates are mammals. Not all mammals are primates. For example, cats, dogs, bears, rodents... these are all mammals, but not primates.

Are pigs considered smart?

They are actually smarter than dogs and many primates.

Can dogs see computer screens?

Yes, but they can't see all the colors we see. Mammals, other than primates (humans are primates), are red/green color blind.

Are all primates mammals?

No. Primates are a type of mammal. Within the mammals, there are also things like the canines (dogs), felids (cats), rodents (mice and rats), the bats, horses, whales and dolphins, elephants, antelope, pigs, cows, sheep, giraffe, platypus, skunks...etc! And primates, of course.

Which four animals are smarter than dogs?

Primates (including humans), pigs, elephants, whales, dolphins.

What do dogs have in common with wolves?

Some believe wolves share a commonancestor, much like humans and primates.

Are humans the only ones that get chickenpox?

Humans and some primates are the only animals that get chickenpox. It does not affect other animals such as dogs and cats.

Are primates humans lemurs etc closely related to carnivores dogs cats etc?

Primates like humans are closely related to the order carnivore some scientist even have them as a sister group similar to hippos to whales and elephants to hyraxes.

What is the difference between primates and chimpanzees?

All chimpanzees are primates but not all primates are chimpanzees. Humans, for instance, are primates.

Do primates have thumbs?

yes, all and only primates primates have thumbs

How old does a dog have to be for a menstrual cycle?

Technically, dogs do not have menstrual cycles - only primates menstruate. However, dogs do have estrus or heat cycles, and a female dog can start cycling at about 6 months of age.

Why are animals such as dogs able to hear sounds human cannot?

Dogs and most animals rely on their hearing more than we do. As humans, we rely on eyesight and primates overall have better eyes than other animals.