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Primates like humans are closely related to the order carnivore some scientist even have them as a sister group similar to hippos to whales and elephants to hyraxes.

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Q: Are primates humans lemurs etc closely related to carnivores dogs cats etc?
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What animal is most closely related to humans and what percent of your DNA is the same?

Socially humans are more related to wolves, social carnivorous pack animals. Our DNA is most closely related to other primates.

Are monkeys human?

Humans are primates, but we are not monkeys. Monkeys are a different sub-species of primates. Humans are closely related to the ape species : Gorillas, Bonobos, Chimpanzees, Orangutans and Gibbons.

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Tarsiers are generally considered to be most closely related to anthropoid primates (monkeys, apes, and humans). However, they also share a lot of traits with strepsirrhine primates (lemurs and lorises).

How closely are orangutans related to humans?

yes, essentially all primates are. they are both apes

What group does chimps come from?

primates Chimpanzees are great apes that are closely related to humans. These intelligent primates live in a variety of environments in western and central Africa. Because of the rapid deforestation of their habitats, chimpanzees are an endangered species

How are Monkeys related to humans?

Humans are related to monkeys because a primate mated to another type of species of primate and created humans. Therefore, we are related to monkeys genetically, though we are very distantly related to monkeys. And as you may guess, we too are primates. For more information, research about primates and how humans evolved.

What is a hyaena?

hyaena's get eatan by humans and lions

Why are echinoderms more closely related to humans than jellyfish?

Actually, echinoderms are more closely related to humans than molluscs.

Are gorillas primates?

Yes, they are. Other primates include lemurs, monkeys, apes, and humans. Yes, chimps are primates because of their characteristics such as forward facing eyes and nails instead of claws. They are of group Anthropoid and are even further dived in to the group Pongid (or great apes). They are like this because they are closely related to us in genetic material.

Is the DNA of humans more similar to the DNA of birds or apes?

Humans are more closely related to apes. In 2012 scientists completed the genome of the bonobo, an African ape. When added to the genomes that have already been completed for orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees we now have a complete DNA catalogue of the great apes. The studies show that humans are most closely related to bonobos and chimpanzees. The three are more closely related to each other than any is to gorillas.

What organisms appear to be closely related to humans?

Thesus monkey is the most closely related to Humans because it has the least number of differences in cytochrome c.

Are mice related to humans?

No animal most closely related is chimp