

Are dolphins afraid of dolphins

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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No, dolphins are very peacefull. They don't fight with eachother.

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Q: Are dolphins afraid of dolphins
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Dolphins are not afraid of people because they are very samrt

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Dolphins are peaceful, they don't eat each other or kill each other. They live in large pods with dolphins of all sizes

What do dolphins do when they get excited or afraid?

What they do is do i high pitched skeach and then it starts talkin and saying how are you im not very afraid or exited when they really are

What are sharks afraid of?

Yes, but you may think, why would sharks eat us then? Well, sharks eat humans to protect themselves from any harm. Sharks are being killed by humans more than humans are being killed by sharks. Sharks ARE afraid of humans.

Is a shark afraid of dolphIns?

if there is only one dolphin the shark will probably harm it but if its a pack the dolphins will all attack it by hitting and jabbing the shark with its baseball hard noses then will swim away

What is it called when your scared of dolphins?

A phobia is an irrational fear. Since it is perfectly rational to be afraid of sharks, that would not be considered a phobia. Sharks actually are dangerous.

Are dolphins scared of sharks?

yes, sharks are afraid of dolphins because a dolphin will kill a shark if the shark gets too close or threatens them, it has been tested by mythbusters and the results were very good, the shark would not go near a seal if a dolphin was near, so there's the evidence that sharks are actually afraid of dolphins. ;3

What are dolphins afraid of?

Yes. When people around them get too excited and start to make loud noises and strong movements, dolphins will get scared and may attack, but that is quite rare.

Are dolphins afraid of anything?

they are not scared of anything they are brave in plus they are apex predators witch means that they are on the top of the food chain.......

Can dolphins be gay?

Some gray whales have been observed in homosexual behavior.

Can a dolphin scare away a shark?

No, dolphins do not kill sharks. There have been a few incidents reported of a dolphin killing a shark, but they did not actually killed it, they just ate very small remains. Dolphins only eat/kill fish. ----Raoul----