

Are drugs often misused

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8y ago

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People often try to get some drugs over the counter and pay extra bucks to the dealers in order to fulfil their addiction. Things get messy afterwards and it takes shape of an illegal business.

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Q: Are drugs often misused
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Drugs your doctor prescribes you is usually helpful. but all drugs (this includes vitamins and aspirin) can be misused and abused.

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Brain numbing drugs that are commonly misused.

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Because they're generally recognized as safe and have little risk of being misused.

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There really is no such thing as a "harmless drug." Just about any compound can cause harm or death if misused.

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There is always a chance that they will be misused, sold or used for the wrong reason. They are held responsible for how the drugs are used.

How is Acetaminophen misused and abused?

It can't be misused. just because it may be a "painkiller" doesn't mean it can be abused. it's tylenol, for god's sake. it will kill your liver. ten bucks says your some soccer mom thinking your son is doing drugs. he probably is.

Drugs increase therapeutic response of otc drugs?

OTC drugs are notoriously misused. One needs some drug to fulfil his addiction, he pays some extra bucks to buy over the counter drugs. Even for those who couldn't afford the prescription from a doctor, he risks his health by getting an otc drugs from someone.

The two most popular narcotic drugs involved in substance abuse are?

The two most popular narcotic drugs involved in substance abuse are heroin and prescription opioids like oxycodone and hydrocodone. Heroin is an illegal opioid derived from morphine, while prescription opioids are often misused due to their addictive properties. Both drugs can lead to dependence, overdose, and other serious health issues.

Can ratios be misused?

Yes. All knowledge can be misused.