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I believe they are stimulants due to the fact that cocaine is a stimulant and it causes vasoconstriction.

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Q: Are drugs that cause vasoconstriction stimulant or depressants?
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Can taking drugs cause depression effects on the brain?

Yes, obviously depressants make you sad.

What category of drugs is cocaine?

answer stimulant, empathiser probably

Depressants are drugs that are used to fight depression?

no, that would be ANTI-depressants....

What group of drugs does alcohol come from?

alcohol is under the category of depressants

What can stimulant drugs do to you?

Stimulate you.

How do drugs affect the user?

Drugs are defined as any substance that alters normal body function. Non-psychotropic drugs include pain relievers (such as paracetamol or ibuprofen), calcium carbonate (such as TUMS), and many more. Psychotropic drugs effect the mental state of users. There are three most common psychotropic drug categories: stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens. Stimulants increase brain activity and heart activity, leading to increased mental focus and memory making the user feel more alert while also making physical tasks less tiring. Stimulants range in strength, caffeine being a mild stimulant and methamphetamine being a strong stimulant. Nicotine, in cigarettes is also a stimulant. Depressants decrease brain activity and heart activity, leading to shortened attention span and drowsiness. Depressants include alcohol, opiates, and barbiturates. Some depressants bring euphoria. Hallucinogens act on certain receptors within the brain altering perception. Most hallucinogens combine with a stimulant (as in the case of MDMA) or a depressant (marijuana), and cause varying degrees from small visual hallucinations to complete disconnection from reality. Marijuana, ecstasy, salvia, and peyote are all examples of hallucinogens.

Are opiates methamphetamine?

No. Opiates are drugs that are made from the opium poppy, like heroin, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone (Vicodin), Suboxone, methadone, codeine, Percocet, Dilaudid (hydromorphone), etc. All opiates are depressants. Amphetamines and methamphetamines are stimulant drugs. They are a completely different class of drugs, most commonly called "speed."

What are the types of psychoactive drugs?

stimulants depressants hallucinorgenics

Is alcohol a depressant or stimulant?

Stimulants are drugs that give you energy while depressants calm the body down. Alcohol has the ability to do both of these things. It can be confusing to understand, but alcohol is a depressant drug.

What catagory of drugs does cocaine go in?

Its a stimulant, it's been said that it used to be in coca-cola to make it an energy drink

Want are the names of classes of drugs?

hallucinogen's, depressants and stimulants

What drugs worsen depression?

depressants. Sleep medications alcohol