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The symptoms are similar but, the organisms that are causing the infection are quite different. Yeast is a single-celled fungus and Mites are small spider-like arthropods that burrow under the skin. The treatment method depends on a proper determination.

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Q: Are ear mites and yeast infections in the dog's ears the same thing?
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Are ear mites contagious?

No a dog can't get a ar infection from a human. Humans can't catch ear infections from other humans either because ear infections are from yeast. Yeast forms when you have a moist warm environment so basily dogs ears. Yeast is like a bacteria of fungi.

Can garlic cure yeast infections on dogs skin?

No. Your veterinarian can cure yeast infections of the skin. Garlic will just cure your dog of the burden of its life.

Can dogs pass yeast infections to humans?

The yeast organisms are waiting for the proper conditions to grow. They are already in the dog's ears. They are in your ears, too. They are everywhere.

What is it in dogs that make us snore?

The thing in dogs that make us snore is the hair or the dust mites and fleas in them.

Why does your dogs ears keep getting inflamed?

Dogs have yeast in their ears because it is a warm and moist environment and that is where yeast likes to grow. Dogs with floppy ears are more likely to have it becausse their is less airflow to the ears

Can you give Doxycycline for ear infections yeast in dogs?

First, antibiotics do NOT treat yeast! In fact, antibiotics can CAUSE yeast infections! Yeast overgrowth that shows up as ear infections, goopy ears, stinky skin, etc. is caused by too many carbohydrates, grains, fillers in a dog's diet. You can treat the symptoms with medications but unless you make changes to the diet, this will continue to be an issue. It is also caused by use or misuse of antibiotics-- dogs are like children; you should not treat or give meds without a vet telling you to do so. Carbs/grains are converted to sugar in the body and yeast's favorite food is sugar! So, eliminate the carbs, grains, fillers. Add a high quality supplement that contains things to build the immune system (to fight the yeast) and give it time. Your dog can actually get through the yeast overgrowth on his own if given the right tools. See Related Links for a great article that gives more details about candida yeast in dogs.

Can you get mites from bathing a dog with mites?

Yes, if the mite is a scabie mite it can be passed to humans, and other dogs.

Where do ear mites in dogs come from?

No. Ear mites only choose cats/dogs as their hosts. Off of the host, they will die after 12 hours.

What antibiotic treats ear infections in dogs?

That depends on the problem, but the most common medicines are Surolan and Otomax for bacterial and yeast infections which cause inflamation and terrible odor in the ears. If it's ear mites which look like wet coffee grounds in the ear revoulution or advantage multi are usually recommended. Make sure you clean the ears regualrly if its prone to infections with a routine ear cleaner. Always clean the ears daily while the dog is on ear drops.

What caused dogs to dig off their hair and become raw places?

Lets see my dog was allergic to fleas. Other reasons are stressed, allergies, mange, scabies, or other mites. Best thing is too see a vet. Animal that have these issues can become very ill, get infections, and death could even happen.

My dogs ear is hurting him but he wont let me look at it and he scrathches and shakes it all the time Whats wrong with him?

Either something stuck in the ear, ear mites, ear infection or yeast infection of the ear. All easily treated at the vet.

Do maltipoo dogs have troble with there ears?

All breeds of dog can have trouble with their ears. You should keep the ears clean by cleaning the outside (only) with some cotton balls. I personally use Nolvasan Otic to flush their ears out about once a month. If you suspect there is a problem with the ears, then take your pet to your Veterinarian to have the ears checked out. The Vet will use an instrument called an Otoscope that he or she can look way down into the dog's ear canal, checking for yeast infections, bacterial infections, mites, foreign objects like a foxtail, etc.