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It depends what area you are in for major earthquakes, but in most places in the world, very weak earthquakes happen nearly everyday. They can only be noticed with special instruments.

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yes the are

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Q: Are earthquakes happening more often
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Where are earthquakes happening?

Earthquakes are happening around the world all the time, although most are so small they are not felt or remarked upon. Larger earthquakes tend to happen more commonly at fault lines.

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Whay is earthquakes happening? Whay is earthquakes happening?

Why do earthquakes impact economically strained areas on earth more?

earthquakes are always happening. The devistation is because the structures are not built well, hence the disaster.

Where do earthquakes hit most often?

Earthquakes and volcanoes are more common along tectonic plate boundaries.

How many earthquakes have happened sense 1556?

Millions. There are earthquakes happening all the time. Most are too small for anyone to notice but that does not mean that they are not happening.

Why do you get big earthquakes happening in some areas of the world and small earthquakes happening in other parts of the world?

You won't get the answer here. Why don't you just look on the encyclopedia.

When did the earthquakes start happening?

There are earthquakes all the time, and there have been earthquake since the Earth was created.

Did earthquakes happen when dinosaurs were alive?

Yes, you could watch the earthquakes when were alive happening in the history channel.

Why do earthquakes happen in California more often than Texas?

more techtonic plate coliding in California

How many earthquakes have they been in the last 5 years?

There are Earthquakes happening constantly. Some small enough that we don't feel.

What is happening to the plates along the san Andreas fault?

they are making earthquakes

How does the stress in Earth's crust change the surface?

it means earthquakes will happen more often