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Yes they are.

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Q: Are elements are capable of forming compounds?
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Why carbon compounds form covalent compounds?

This because it has the valency 4 (called tetra valency) by which it can combine with lots of elements and also it has a property of forming stable compounds

Which groups of elements are most resistant to forming compounds?

Noble gasses are most resistant to form compounds. They have a complete outermost energy level. But Xenon makes few compounds.

How is silicon combined with other elements?

Silicon can be combined with many elements forming chemical compounds as fluorides, chlorides, carbides, nitrides, etc.

Which element is called wonder element?

Carbon is called the wonder element as it is capable of forming a large number of and different type of compounds.

Is there such thing as a compound that has all the elements in it?

No. For one thing, a number of the elements (such as the noble gases: helium, neon, argon, etc.) don't like forming compounds at all, much less compounds with each other.

What group or family never appears in the elements forming the mineral compounds?

I'm guessing noble gases since they do not react with other elements

When forming ionic bonds atoms of elements in group VI tend to form ions with who?

They can form ionic compounds with halogens.

How do elements relate to compounds?

Chemical compounds are formed from chemical elements.

What properties can be used to form ionic compounds?

electronegativity. the greater the difference in electronegativity of the elements the greater the likelihood of them forming ionic bonds.

How do elements join to from compounds?

YES!!!! Taking Sodium and Chlorine as an example. Sodium metal is an element. Chlorine gas is an element. Put them together in a gas jar and they will react to form the compound sodium chloride. In nature atmospheric nitrogen (an element) will react with atmospheric oxygen (also an element), when a lightning strike discharges, to form nitrogen oxides (compounds).

Exactly which elements form multiple ions?

All of the transition metals are capable of forming multiple ions except for Zn, Cd and Ag.